Life Drawing Models @Xchanges

Feature image above by Peter Loebel.

Xchanges models come from a variety of backgrounds and we are always looking for more for in-person sessions. If you are interested in modelling please review the information about our life drawing sessions on the Learning section of the website and complete the form below.

We do our best to provide a variety of sessions for artists and can not guarantee that models will be scheduled on a consistent or regular basis for this reason. Some sessions have a series with the same model such as Long Pose on Wednesdays. Models should consider different poses for their particular space that still provide dynamic interest. Typically poses include 1-2 minute gestures, 5, 10, 15 minute and longer poses.

Models are booked via Calendly, an online tool which models can use to book their sessions as well as cancel them. It is important that models adhere to using Calendaly to book and cancel sessions so that the calendar can be up to date and, in the event of cancellation, other models can book the spot if they are available. The use of Calendly helps to reduce email and phone calls which make coordination very complex otherwise.

In-Person Sessions

For in-person sessions at the Gallery we have implemented Health & Safety protocols:

  • Masks are a personal choice. All participants are encouraged to wash or sanitize their hands.
  • As weather permits, the windows will be kept open to provide additional ventilation.


Rates $30/hr CAD

Models are paid via eTransfer in Canada or PayPal for international models. Pay will be received between 1-3 days after the session. We do our best to pay on the same day, but it isn’t always possible.


Xchanges may have to cancel a session due to lack of registration. Cancellation will be determined by the Coordinators and Facilitators; in some cases sessions will still run if the minimum number is not attained so that we can have continuity. Sessions that continually have low turn out will be cancelled. Models will be notified the day before a session if it may be cancelled.

Codes of Conduct

Xchanges strives to protect everyone’s privacy online and in the Gallery. Photography, video recording or screen captures are prohibited at all Life Drawing sessions; Xchanges will enforce this policy to the best of its ability.

If models or artists have concerns at any session they should speak with the session Facilitator.

If artists or models have announcements or wish to share information on topics related to the session or outside the session, they should let their Facilitator know in advance.

We are always looking to improve our programs. Please let us know in the form below if you have questions or ideas to share.

Model Information Form

This information is shared with Facilitators and Coordinators and for Xchanges records.

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